Patent Registration in India

What are the costs/fees for patent registration in India?

What is the cost of patent registration in India? Firstly, there is no pre-set value or accurate answer to the cost of this question. However, we can help you by providing a generic view on the cost incurred which in turn will help you understand the cost structure. Hence, the costs of patent registration in[…]

How to file patent in India

How to file Patent in India- Requirements | Procedure | Specifications | Forms

Any Indian citizen, organization, business, or any international client holds the eligibility to file a patent in India, on an individual basis or joint basis. There is a provision that not only the true inventor has the authority, but also an assignee has the authority to seek for patent protection in India. In case of an[…]

Patent in India

Who can apply for a patent in India?

Who can apply for a patent in India? The application form of a patent can be filled by an individual inventor or group of inventors, owner, patent agent, licensed attorney, or a legal representative of the individual.  Filing a form is not just, writing the technical information of the invention, but more than that, it is[…]

Indian Patent Filing: Specifications, Forms, Procedure, Examination & Cost Incurred

Indian Patent Filing- Any Indian citizen, organization, business, or any international client holds the eligibility to file patent in India, on individual basis or joint basis. There is a provision that not only the true inventor has the authority, but also an assignee has the authority to seek for patent protection in India. In case[…]


How to Register Patent in India?

Easy 10 Steps to Register Patent in India  Step 1: Collect all the details of the invention covering the entire major and minor details as possible, for example, area of invention, description of the invention, operation and working of the invention, and advantages of the invention. Step 2: Incorporate illustrations, diagrams or portrays of the[…]

Is it necessary to hire a patent agent to file a patent in India?

Is it necessary to hire a patent agent to file a patent in India ? What is the work of a patent agent while filing a patent in India – Any qualified patent agent or patent attorney can help you file a patent application in India. We all know that patent specification is a techno-legal document.[…]

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