How to file patent in India

How to file Patent in India- Requirements | Procedure | Specifications | Forms

Any Indian citizen, organization, business, or any international client holds the eligibility to file a patent in India, on an individual basis or joint basis. There is a provision that not only the true inventor has the authority, but also an assignee has the authority to seek for patent protection in India. In case of an[…]

Is E-Filing, The Only Mode to File Patent Application in India?

Is E-Filing, The Only Mode to File Patent Application in India? Yes – In the year 2007, the Indian Patent Office has introduced the E-filing mode to file patent applications in India. This has been introduced to make the filing process much easier to access and file from any location. Since, filing the applications manually,[…]

What All Criteria My Invention Must Have to Be Patented in India?

What All Criteria My Invention Must Have to Be Patented in India? This article deals with the basic questions of patentability criteria, which an Invention must have, in order to win a patent in India. The article will address the questions of whether you have the invention worth patent protection in India or not have[…]

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