7 Mistakes Startups make while Filing patents

7 Mistakes Start-ups make When Filing Patents

All men are error-prone. Likewise, an inventor is prone to a number of mistakes while filing patents. The Patent Office grants a legal right to an inventor or an applicant for his invention in the form of a patent. Accordingly, the inventor owns a time span of 20 years. It grants him a monopoly on[…]

Post-Grant Opposition in India

Post Grant Opposition In India: Know The Basics

India became a signatory of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement on 1st January 2005, and subsequently, Section 25 of the Act got amendments to adhere to the terms of the agreement of TRIPS. This amendment provides a system integration of pre and post-grant opposition wherein inventions that are either on the way[…]

Patent Application Types (India)

A patent is a set of Intellectual Property rights granted to a patentee by the government to have an authority over the exclusive ownership and business prospects for an idea. It is granted for a specified period of time in lieu of detail information from the patentee regarding his/her invention or product. This right would deter[…]

Patent Strategies for Startups

Patent Strategies for Startups: A Patent is a monopoly right that is granted to a person who is the inventor of a new and applicable article or has improved an existing article or a new method of creation of an article. In simpler words it gives the inventor a right to take legal actions against those[…]

What Documents are required for filing Patent Application in India?

What Documents are required for filing Patent Application in India? – Patent documenting has turned out to be progressively well known in India because of the rising awareness of intellectual property (IP) and Startup India Action Plan. Now, to provide a lift to patent registered among Indian organizations, India has begun the – Startup India[…]


Patent Basics : Every inventor should know!

Patent Basics – Patent and its rights – Rights associated to an invention that results in something unique and useful, or which provides a non-obvious solution to any existing problem, is referred as a Patent. For attaining or holding a patent for any new invention, all the background and technical details that depict the products functionality or design must be presented or[…]

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