Patent Strategies for Startups

Patent Strategies for Startups: A Patent is a monopoly right that is granted to a person who is the inventor of a new and applicable article or has improved an existing article or a new method of creation of an article. In simpler words it gives the inventor a right to take legal actions against those[…]

How Patenting Can Bring Success?

How Patenting Can Bring Success? The earliest origins of patents are ancient and uncertain, but some countries have a long history of patenting in which we see the development of modern principles. Britain has a significant trait of patenting right back since the 15th century. Back in America, the Patent Act of 1836 created US Patent[…]

Facts to Consider Before Filing a Patent Application

Before you file a patent, you must know patent process takes a way more than just a lot of money. Filing a patent application is a big step and must only be taken once you are 100% sure and ready to make the investment. It is no doubt, will give you the complete authority (through[…]

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