Patent Strategies for Startups

Patent Strategies for Startups: A Patent is a monopoly right that is granted to a person who is the inventor of a new and applicable article or has improved an existing article or a new method of creation of an article. In simpler words it gives the inventor a right to take legal actions against those[…]

How Patenting Can Bring Success?

How Patenting Can Bring Success? The earliest origins of patents are ancient and uncertain, but some countries have a long history of patenting in which we see the development of modern principles. Britain has a significant trait of patenting right back since the 15th century. Back in America, the Patent Act of 1836 created US Patent[…]

Avoid Mistakes While Filing Patent Application

A patent can create or break one’s business. Along with the success of a business it also determines the potential financial future of it too. If an inventor doesn’t patent his invention and someone else does it, then the inventor would be sued for patent infringement in spite of being the original or first person[…]

How to decide Patent Ownership/ Assignee on Individual OR Business Name?

How to decide Patent Ownership/ Assignee on Individual Name OR Business Name? This is a major question that plays through the mind of any patent applicant as to in whose name the patent filing if done will be beneficial. To give a solution this question, it depends upon the necessity of the applicant and hence[…]

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