Patent Registration in India

What are the costs/fees for patent registration in India?

What is the cost of patent registration in India? Firstly, there is no pre-set value or accurate answer to the cost of this question. However, we can help you by providing a generic view on the cost incurred which in turn will help you understand the cost structure. Hence, the costs of patent registration in[…]


IPR Issues in India: The Major Points of Concern

Although India is on its track of advancement in various sectors, there are many issues that have not come into the light. One such sector facing issues is Intellectual Property Rights. IPR involves Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Designs, and Geographical Indications. Although there are governing rules and Acts for these rights, there are many issues that[…]


Patent Prosecution Highway in India

The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) speeds up the examination process for the applications those participating in intellectual property offices. Under PPH, the applicant may request a fast track examination of claims in a patent application that is pending in the patent office. Also, PPH leverages fast-track examination procedures already in place among participating patent offices[…]


Patenting in India: Key Steps

A patent grant is an exclusive right that protects the invention of the applicant. Patenting in India starts with performing patent searches before patent application filing. After determining the novelty of the invention, one can file the patent application with the Indian Patent Office. The patent application filing can be in any of the branches[…]

Emerging intellectual property issues in India: Must Know

Emerging Intellectual Property Issues in India: Must Know

Trade-Related Intellectual Property (TRIP) is a standard framework system for IP rights all over the world. It is a branch of the World Trade Organization (WTO) for resolving Intellectual Property issues in India and worldwide. Every related member must follow the TRIP regulations in their domestic IP laws. Thus, after joining the WTO, India also[…]

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