What are the Differences Between Provisional and Complete Specification

What are the Differences Between Provisional and Complete Specification?

A provisional and complete specification is a very confusing aspect of the application. The level of precision a patent application needs might perplex you. Hence, it’s important to understand the difference between the two and the purpose both serve. A patent specification is a document that explains your invention is very specific terms. That is,[…]

Patent Filing in China

China is now one of the leading Innovators of the World. Below, you’ll find a quick guide on filing procedures, routes, and fees for Patent Filing in China. Patent Filing Routes in China In order to get a patent in China, there are 3 routes: 1.     Direct Filing with the Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration[…]

Patent filing in Canada

Canada is a great avenue to harness your Innovation. Below, you’ll find a quick guide for the filing routes, procedures, and fees for Patent filing in Canada. Patent Filing Routes in Canada In order to get a patent in Canada, there are 3 routes: 1.     Direct Filing with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) This[…]

Patent Filing in Germany

Germany is the most Globally renowned Hub of Innovation. Here, you’ll find a short guide on filing procedures, routes and fees for Patent Filing in Germany. Patent Filing in Germany – Salient Points All rules/law/ forms are duly considered reducing any late payment charges. Excellent network of associates in all prominent jurisdictions of the world,[…]

Patent Filing in France

France is a Global Leader in Innovation. Here, you will find a brief overview on filing procedures, routes, and fees for Patent Filing in France. Patent Filing Routes in France In order to get a patent in France, there are 3 routes: 1.  Direct Filing with the National Intellectual Property Office of France (INPI) This route allows you[…]

Patent Filing in Japan

Japan is the leader of innovation in Asia. Here, you will find detailed information about the filing procedures, routes and fees for Patent Filing in Japan. Patent Filing in Japan – The Routes If you want a patent in Japan, you may use the following options: 1.     Direct Filing with the Japanese Intellectual Property Office[…]

Patent Filing in Australia

Australia has always been an Innovation giant. Below, you will find an overview for the filing procedures, routes and fees for Patent Filing in Australia. Patent Filing in Australia – The Options Seeking a patent in Australia? You may use the following routes: 1.     Direct Filing with the Australian IP Office (IPA) With this route,[…]

Patent Filing in Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the most elite hubs of Innovation. Below is a guide about the filing procedures, routes and fees for Patent Filing in Netherlands. Patent Filing in Netherlands: The Routes If you are seeking a patent in Netherlands, there are 4 options: 1.     Direct Filing with the Netherlands Intellectual Property Office (NPO)[…]

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