What is the PCT Route in India?

The PCT route is a convenient method of filing a patent in multiple countries at the same time. The PCT is an international treaty with 153 Contracting States, administered by World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

It helps to seek patent protection for an invention simultaneously in a large number of countries. This avoids the hassle of having to file multiple applications. Also, a single international application is enough for this which will act as the You can file an application under the PCT route directly or within the 12-month from the filing date of a first application under the Paris Convention. This is applicable for all Contracting States of the PCT. It is much simpler and cost-effective.

Related FAQs:

Who can file an international patent application under PCT in India?

What is the effect of an International Patent Application in India and abroad?

Where can I file an international patent application in India?

Also, do make sure that you check out this free e-book: A Quick Guide to Patents. It deals with basics of patent procedures.

A Quick Guide to Patents - use the PCT Route in India

A Quick Guide to Patents

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