What is the effect of an International Patent Application in India and abroad?

Generally, the effect of an international patent application in India serves the purpose of the national patent application (and certain regional patent applications). If the international patent application meets all the rules and regulations as stated in the Treaty and Regulations along with its applicability in all PCT Contracting States, then it will not be required to adapt to or draft a separate national phase patent application. The requirements as stated in Treaty and Regulations if met successfully will not require further adaptation to national or regional requirements.

This is why the PCT is highly effective in terms of multi-country filings. In the same way, you won’t need to file a separate application for India. Hence, the effect of an International Patent Application in India is this. It’ll act as the national application during the national phase.

Related FAQs:

In what language can you file an international patent application in India?

Who can file an international patent application under PCT in India?

Also, do make sure that you check out this free e-book: A Quick Guide to Patents. It deals with basics of patent procedures.

A Quick Guide to Patents - file an international patent application under PCT

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