In what language can you file an international patent application in India?

You can file an international patent application in any language with the receiving office. If you submit the application in a language that the ISA doesn’t support then you need to submit a translation of your application. This is necessary for the purpose of an international search. Receiving offices however accepts application that is in a language competent to ISA and a “publication language”. Publication language is one of those in which international patent applications are published. Those languages are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Thus as a translator you always have an option or choice of language while filing application. You should, however, try to make sure that the receiving office accepts the language in which you are filing. This will ultimately help you in saving money by avoiding any extra translation costs.

Also, do make sure that you check out this free e-book: A Quick Guide to Patents. It deals with basics of patent procedures.

A Quick Guide to Patents - file an international patent application

A Quick Guide to Patents – file an international patent application

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