What is the cost of filing an international PCT application in India?

The cost of filing an international PCT application in India generally include three types of fees.

They are (a) an international filing fee (b) a search fee depending on chosen ISA and (c) a transmittal fee that depends upon the receiving offices. These are the broad types of fees, the specifics differ according to various factors. These factors include size of entity, whether the country of origin is developed or developing, etc.

Also, you should be aware about you should be aware of what category you or your company fall into. Accordingly, you can avail a lot of discounts while filing. This can prove to be very beneficial since we already know that the entire patent process is very expensive.

More details on forms and fees are described elaborately on the WIPO website.

Related FAQs:

How much fee reduction for PCT is possible in India?

How long does it take to complete a PCT process in India?

Also, do make sure that you check out this free e-book: A Quick Guide to Patents. It deals with basics of patent procedures.

A Quick Guide to Patents - cost of filing an international PCT application in India

A Quick Guide to Patents – cost of filing an international PCT application in India

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