Can I submit third-party observations on an Indian patent application?

Yes. Any person submit observations on an Indian patent application to the Controller of the Indian Patent Office. This can be done at any time after the publication of the patent application and before the announcement of the decision to grant. The statement and evidence presented in this “pre-grant opposition” will only be considered if and when a request for examination of the application has been filed.

Along with the opposition proceeding, you should conduct a patent invalidity search as well to reinforce your claim. Check out the MANUAL OF PATENT OFFICE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE (Chapter 10 and Chapter 11) to see the details of the procedure. This will help you to submit third-party observations on an Indian patent application

Related FAQs:

Can I access the documents in the file of an Indian patent application?

What is the time limit for responding to office actions in India?

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Also, do make sure that you check out this free e-book: A Quick Guide to Patents. Basically, it deals with basics of patent procedures.

A Quick Guide to Patents - observations on an Indian patent application

A Quick Guide to Patents

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