When do I have to pay annual patent fees in India?

The annual patent fees in India is due from the second year of the pending application. You have to pay the first annual fee on the second anniversary of the date of filing of the complete specification. If the application is granted more than two years after the date of filing, the accumulated annual fees are payable within three months of the date on which the patent was recorded in the register. Further annual fees are due each year, in advance. India has a two-tier fee system with different fees for individuals and legal entities.

Hence, it is very important to ensure on-time payments of your application’s annual patent fees in India.

Related FAQs:

Can I access the documents in the file of an Indian patent application?

Can I request an extension of the patent term in India?

Is there a grace period for paying annual patent fees in India?

Also, do make sure that you check out this free e-book: A Quick Guide to Patents. Basically, it deals with basics of patent procedures.

A Quick Guide to Patents - annual patent fees in India

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