Can you modify the technical aspects of a patent in India?

Basically, the short answer to whether you can modify the technical aspects of a patent in India is, NO. There is no chance to do any modifications or add something in a Complete Specification of the patent application. But, if you need to amend or add some new matter, you can do so by filing a Patent of Addition. For this, you need to a separate patent application apart from the original patent application. Therefore, the improvements or amendments to be done must be mentioned in this Patent of Addition.

You can read more about the Patent of Addition on the IP India website. Our team of expert professionals can help you modify the technical aspects of a patent by the means of a patent of addition. We have years of experience and are well aware of the latest norms, regulations and procedures. Our job is to assist you in every step of the way so that you can secure comprehensive protection for your invention.

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A Quick Guide to Patents, Understand how to modify the technical aspects of a patent

A Quick Guide to Patents

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